Join us for a month of exploring Heroes and Helpers Everywhere! I'm going to keep this post brief since we'll be talking more about this Month in Moments calendar over on my Patreon. On Patreon, you can also choose to access an in-depth monthly play and project based learning guide that digs into the themes of the Month in Moments calendar and expands upon and ties in art, science, history, literacy strategies, and so much more! This month, I'll even be sharing a playlist :).

Why Heroes and Helpers Everywhere? I wanted to offer a way to authentically weave diverse heroes into what we talk about with the kiddos in our lives, but in a way that continues to facilitate looking for heroes similar to and different from us all the time, not just on MLK Day, during Black History Month, or Women's History Month. Additionally, I've been learning more from Roots and Wings and Britt Hawthorne about age appropriate antibiased/antiracist education. At young ages, 0-6yrs old, our primary focus (from an educator standpoint, this may differ for families, especially those whose safety may be threatened by any part of their identity) is building self-identity, self-love, and pride! This month's activities offers a lot of activities focused here.
So, what's in the calendar?
Week 1 focuses on A Family of Heroes. Kiddos will build a family tree and look at baby and recent pictures of family members. This offers opportunities to talk about different family structures, skin tone (how it mixes and doesn't change drastically throughout our lives), and more! Kiddos will learn about the strengths of different family members and themselves! Join us on Patreon at the Sprouting Membership Tier and add some family interviews, self-portraits, and more!
Week 2 explores Heroes Everywhere. Take a close look around your neighborhood - who helps make it awesome? Make a map, try some first aid basics, and more. The play and project learning guide will share invitations to take steps to aid your community.
Week 3 is all about My Role Models. Kiddos will create a collage of people who look like them, look different than them, were born long ago, etc but who share a passion! We'll dig deeper into learning about our personal heroes in our learning guide for the month.
Week 4 invites kiddos to create My Hero. Kiddos will create heroes that look different and have different powers, etc. Then, they'll create a comic featuring their hero. The guide on Patreon will take this and run - more story telling (maybe some flip books!), more ideas for making a hero that will inspire play in the coming months, etc!
You'll end the month by creating a family newsletter :). The template is provided in the Month in Moments doc!
I'm super excited to use these ideas with HG and to hear what you all think of them! As I find more ways to look beyond standard heroes and holidays, I can't wait to refine this. Please share your ideas and feedback AND what you create over on IG (tag @watchwonderbloom and use #monthinmoments!).