About Watch Wonder Bloom, LLC and Me
Welcome to Watch Wonder Bloom, LLC!
I'm Mallory Foster, MEd, RYT-200, the creator and family life coach behind Watch Wonder Bloom, LLC. Watch Wonder Bloom started as my creative space to share resources I developed, modified, and stumbled upon in the final year of my MEd, first year as a beginning teacher coach, and first year as a new mom! While doing some research on starting a subscription box, I found out many families have merely 34 minutes together a day. I hope to help families make every moment meaningful! As the product of a unique array of public education opportunities, I know public education is our best shot at a more equitable future. Every family deserves access to high quality enrichment opportunities. And, I believe that we owe every educator every resource we can offer them because they create our futures.
So, what do I know about coaching, education, self-care, play, etc? I am well on my way to becoming a Board Certified Coach, with coursework and practicum hours complete. I have over a decade of experience in formal and informal education as a middle and high school science teacher, exhibit and education specialist at a science center, a kayak instructor and camp counselor, an academic advisor, yoga and fitness instructor, beginning teacher support staff member and Tinkergarten leader. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Science in Environmental Geology and a Master's in Education in Learning Sciences.
Via this site, you'll find opportunities to sign up for Family Life Coaching, yoga and mindfulness resources, and educational activities. I hope you can use this to help wonder bloom in your lives!
Mallory Foster
At Watch Wonder Bloom, LLC we strive to empower families and educators to notice and create meaningful moments of connection, play, and learning through family life coaching, yoga classes, and high-quality play and project based educational resources.